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Broome and The Kimberly Region

The Kimberley is Western Australia’s sparsely settled northern region. It’s known for large swaths of wilderness defined by rugged ranges, dramatic gorges, semi-arid savanna and a largely isolated coastline. The mostly unsealed (unpaved) Gibb River Road runs 660km through the region’s heart, passing by Windjana Gorge National Park, which has towering limestone cliffs and pools where freshwater crocodiles gather. Broome is a beach resort town in western Australia’s Kimberley region.  The three largest towns of the Kimberley are Broome, Derby and Kununurra. Broome International Airport is a major gateway to the region in the West and the Kununurra Airport in the East. Along its Indian Ocean coastline, the white sands of 22km-long Cable Beach offer a dramatic backdrop for sunset camel rides. At Gantheaume Point nearby, dinosaur tracks are revealed in the beach’s red rocks during low tide. Broome’s historic Chinatown overlooks Roebuck Bay, a jumping off point for cruises to local pearl farms. 

10 Things to do in Broome and The Kimberly Region

1. Horizontal Falls Scenic Flight & Day Cruise

2. Staircase to the Moon

3. The Largest Dinosaur Footprints in the World & Gantheaume Point

4. Cable Beach & Riddell Beach

5. Geographical Formations, Waterholes and Waterfalls

6. Purnululu National Park and The Bungle Bungle Range

7. Broome Courthouse Markets

8. Windjana Gorge National Park

9. Fishing at Roebuck Bay

10. Visit Pearl Farms


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