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Sponsorship Packages

Major Sponsorship – ContiTech Australia Pty Ltd are the major sponsor of the ICBMH 2026

Technical Day Sponsor – Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3

(3 available)

    • 1 free conference registration

    • Logo included in conference website and conference communications

    • 3-minute speech at the start of day of sponsorship (before keynote address)

    • Logo on the morning tea/afternoon tea serving table on the day of sponsorship

    • Inclusion of logo on printed conference program on the day of sponsorship

    • 1 table for exhibition area; sponsor allowed to put up to 1 company display banner for the duration of the conference.

    • Inclusion of up to 2 items in conference bag (i.e. pen, usb stick, brochure, coffee cup, hand sanitiser etc). Item to be supplied and shipped to venue by sponsor and informed to conference organisers to avoid doubling up.

$7,500 + GST

General Sponsorship

(5 available)

    • 1 free conference registration

    • Logo included in conference website and conference communications

    • 1 table for exhibition area; sponsor allowed to put up to 1 company display banner

    • Inclusion of up to 2 items in conference bag (i.e. pen, usb stick, brochure, coffee cup, hand sanitiser etc). Item to be supplied and shipped to venue by sponsor and informed to conference organisers to avoid doubling up.

$5,500 + GST

Contact for further information regarding sponsorships